Update Region

Creates a new region or modifies an existing region. A region is a defined area that can be used in the domain of algorithms to limit the analysis to a specific area. A region is defined based on a region variable, with values calculated based on different operation possibilities, for example based on coordinates or the active pixel or bounding box of an object or a vector (see table below).

Regions are more flexible than creating a scene subset or working on a map and improve the performance through the limit of the analysis to this defined area.

Since version 10.4 regions are visualized in the main view and 3D view (3D visualization not supported for Mobile Mapping data), and can be handled in the View Settings dialog.

Insert a region using:

Regions visualized in main view

Video: Video - Working with regions

Tutorial: Working with Regions - Update Region algorithm


Supported Domains

Execute; Image Object Level; Current Image Object; Neighbor Image Object; Super Object; Sub Objects; Linked Objects; Array; Vectors, Vectors (multiple layers), Current vector

Algorithm Parameters


Select an existing region variable or create a new one. To create a new variable, type a name for the new variable and click OK to open the Create Region Variable dialog for further settings.


Select the operation to create or modify a region:



Set by origin/extent

Region coordinates based on values for origin and extent.

Set by center/extent

Region coordinates based on a center point and extent.

Set by min/max coordinates

Values for minimum and maximum coordinates.


Shift an existing region.
Enter shift values for each existing coordinate (Move in X,Y,Z,T). Insert absolute values or variables for the shift and choose the unit in the Extent unit parameter field.


Shrink or grow a region.

Resize unit - choose to change the size by percent values, pixels or unit. For example enter absolute pixel values to be added to each existing coordinate (Resize in X, Y, Z, T).

Resize unit > percent: Because growing is measured from the center, the resulting region coordinates might be negative. In this case, the region is shifted so that the respective origin coordinate is 0.) Examples:

  • If a region (100, 100), [100, 100] is grown by 100% the result is (50, 50), [200, 200]; no shifting is needed.
  • If a region (0, 0), [100, 100] is grown by 100% the result would be (–50, –50), [150, 150]; instead the region is shifted by +50 in x- and y direction to (0, 0), [200, 200].

From domain

Use the bounding box of an image object or vector domain.

From array

Region values are defined based on an existing array(see also User Guide > Arrays).

Check bounds

This mode makes sure that a region is fitted within the scene specified in the process domain. A region can be fully or partly outside the scene, for example after initializing a region variable from a main map to use it in a rescaled map. Examples:

  • If a region (100, 100), [9999, 9999] should be applied to a scene of (500,500), select Check bounds to truncate the region to (100, 100), [500, 500]
  • If a region (–100, –100),[9999, 9999] should be applied to a scene of (500,500), select Check bounds to truncate the region to (0, 0), [500, 500].

Active Pixel

Creates a region based on the selected active pixel as the region origin with extent of 1 in each dimension.


Copies an existing region selected in the algorithm parameter field Assign region (only available on selection of Mode > Assign).